Indus College of Law

It is with great pleasure that I am writing this message for our College website and prospectus. 

Indus College of Law, popularly known as “ICL” is dedicated to the belief that all students learn in an environment that is safe and caring.  We continue our commitment to prepare students to think big and establish goals on their journey of college and career readiness.

ICL takes pride in nurturing strong, community relationships.  Our welcoming atmosphere begins for all who enter our doors or ring our phones. I strongly believe that Bar and community partnerships are an essential piece to the overall learning experience for a Law student. We appreciate their support and dedication of investing in our students.

The college’s firm commitment is to inspire the confidence and permeate courage in the students to meet successfully the challenges in the profession and inculcate the professional culture of advocacy and instill a sense of loyalty to serve the needy persons in the society.

The college is equipped with a team of dedicated and experienced faculty ever ready to guide the students in academic and extra academic activities, emphasis on foreign qualified and energetic brains that are eager to transfer their skills to their juniors.  The college has a library with good number of textbooks and law journals as well as periodicals for catering needs of the students apart from Internet and Wi-Fi facility for students and staff.

We uphold integrity, credibility and commitment in all our dealings. As new perspective continues to emerge in the global environment, law courses curriculum and electives are highly responsive and flexible, reflecting the problems and issues most relevant in the field of Law today and tomorrow. With continued College support, ICL students perform exceptionally at both national and International competitions.

Our emphases is on innovative learning which we achieve by unique teaching and value imparting style, it encompasses the conceptual inputs and hand-on approach legal issues. It is further complimented by bar and social initiative interventions, which enrich a student to the level of shaping him/her into an ideal citizen. Thus we encourage students to be part of highly organized and active clubs and societies that organize regular moot competitions, sports, activities, social gatherings and conferences.

We would like to admit students with the highest standards of integrity and respect for others, having personal responsibility, possessing and appetite for hard work, and who understand learning at ICL is a privilege.

We invite you to be a part of center of excellence in making!

Barrister Zamin Hussain Talpur

Adv. Supreme Court of Pakistan

Barrister and Solicitor, Canada

LL.B, LL.M, M.Phill, MBA, M.A 

Legal Author